Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership in Social Work

A few years ago, I attended a campaign training for progressive individuals who were looking to run for office. Throughout the weekend, the training organizers brought in elected officials, campaign professionals, lobbyists, and other people involved in public affairs with the intention of using their knowledge and insight to benefit those intending on running for public office.

At one point, a state legislator came in to talk about her experience on her campaign as well as being a public servant. And during the Q&A, one of the attendees started his question with the statement, “well, we know that we need to elect LGBTQ women of color…” He continued to list these off, not as separate identities, but as the identities of one singular person.

When he was finished, the state legislator, who is herself a woman of color, replied with something along the lines of “you don’t need someone who checks off boxes. You need someone who is a servant and is passionate about serving their community.”